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GraphQL Queries

For each entity you define there will be two query fields - one for fetching a single record by a unique field and one for fetching a list of records.

For following entity:

import { SchemaDefinition as def } from "@contember/schema-definition";

export class Post {
title = def.stringColumn().notNull();
publishedAt = def.dateTimeColumn();

GraphQL schema will be similar to this (some types are omitted in the example for clarity):

query {
getPost(by: PostUniqueWhere!): Post
listPost(filter: PostWhere, orderBy: [PostOrderBy!], offset: Int, limit: Int): [Post]
input PostUniqueWhere {
id: UUID
input PostOrderBy {
id: OrderDirection
publishedAt: OrderDirection
input PostWhere {
id: UUIDCondition
publishedAt: DateTimeCondition
and: [PostWhere!]
or: [PostWhere!]
not: PostWhere
enum OrderDirection {

Fetching a single record​

If you know a field, which uniquely identifies a record, you can fetch a single record using a "get" query. If you define an entity called Post, there will be a field getPost with a parameter by.

query {
getPost(by: { id: "c4ae3a0f-d91b-42a8-ad3c-5ca6b9f407c2" }) {

The by parameter allows to filter by any unique column (or columns in case of compound unique key). By default it is only id, but you can specify them in model by .unique() on the column or using @def.Unique(...) class annotation.

Fetching a list of records​

This kind of query offers more possibilities like filtering using complex conditions, ordering the result or paging using limit and offset.

query {
filter: {
publishedAt: { lte: "2019-12-20" }
category: { name: { eq: "Graphql" } }
orderBy: [{ publishedAt: asc }]
limit: 10
) {


filter argument allows you to apply a filter on the result. On columns you can use following conditions:

Comparison operators​

GraphQL nameDescriptionExampleSupported columns
isNullis (not) null{isNull: true} or {isNull: false}Everywhere
eqequal to{eq: "value"}Everywhere but JSON
notEqnot equals to{notEq: "value"}Everywhere but JSON
inis in list{in: ["A", "B"]}Everywhere but JSON
notInis not in list{in: ["A", "B"]}Everywhere but JSON
ltless than{lt: 100}Everywhere but JSON
lteless than or equals to{lte: 100}Everywhere but JSON
gtgreater than{gt: 100}Everywhere but JSON
gtegreater than or equals to{gte: 100}Everywhere but JSON
containscontains a string (case sensitive){contains: "contember"}String only
containsCIcontains a string (case insensitive){containsCI: "contember"}String only
startsWithstarts with a string (case sensitive){startsWith: "contember"}String only
startsWithCIstarts with a string (case insensitive){startsWithCI: "contember"}String only
endsWithends with a string (case sensitive){endsWith: "contember"}String only
endsWithCIends with a string (case insensitive){endsWithCI: "contember"}String only

Logic operators​

GraphQL nameExample
and{and: [{ gte: "2019-12-20" }, { lte: "2019-12-30" }]}
or{or: [{isNull: true}, {eq: "value"}]}
not{not: {eq: "value"}}

Example: GraphQL type for String condition​

input StringCondition {
and: [StringCondition!]
or: [StringCondition!]
not: StringCondition
null: Boolean
isNull: Boolean
eq: String
notEq: String
in: [String!]
notIn: [String!]
lt: String
lte: String
gt: String
gte: String
contains: String
startsWith: String
endsWith: String
containsCI: String
startsWithCI: String
endsWithCI: String

It is not possible to combine multiple fields in a single object. You have to wrap it using and or or fields.

Example: combining two operators using AND​

query {
filter: {
publishedAt: { and: [{ gte: "2019-12-20" }, { lte: "2019-12-30" }] }
) {

Example: filtering over relation​

You can also filter over relations (both "has one" and "has many"), for example you want to only select posts written by "John Doe" and published with a "graphql" tag

query {
filter: {
author: { name: { eq: "John Doe" } }
tag: { caption: { eq: "graphql" } }
) {

Sorting result​

Result set can be sorted by setting an orderBy argument. This argument can contain multiple sort fields and can also contain relations.


query {
orderBy: [
{ author: { name: asc } },
{ publishedAt: desc }
) {

Records pagination​

There is an alternative to a list queries with a similar structure - a "paginate" queries. This query aims to be Relay compatible in the future.

In addition to fields for fetching a list of records, there is a pageInfo object with totalCount field. Using this value you can calculate total number of pages etc.

query {
skip: 1
first: 2
filter: { author: { name: { eq: "John Doe" } } }
orderBy: [{ publishedAt: asc }]
) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
author {

Syntax for filtering and sorting is the same you know from "list" query. Parameters for pagination (skip, first) follows Relay specification.

Cursor based pagination is not supported.

Nested objects​

In a single query you can traverse across all the relations of given record.

query {
listPost {
category {
author {

On "has many" relations, you can also set a filter, orderBy and limit with an offset.

query {
listCategory {
posts(limit: 3, orderBy: [{ publishedAt: desc }]) {


A transaction is NOT automatically started for queries. This results in a better performance, but it may cause an inconsistency in the result.

To enable transactions, wrap queries into a transaction field.

query {
transaction {
listPost {
listAuthor {